Wednesday, 2 December 2009

Stick 27

Russell Braithwait of Cardiff in Wales has steamed in with a first here at Found A Stick, that first being a stick that has been fashioned by the hand of man. It is a long straight stick, possibly at one time a slat or some such thing. Russell where did you find a long straight stick, possibly at one time a slat or some such thing?

I found it in the woods behind my bungalow while walking my dog. I was suprised to find such a stick in such a place I will admit. How did it get here? I have not the slightest inkling to be sure.

The irony of finding a long staight stick, possibly at one time a slat or some such thing in a wood that you would think would have its own natural bounty of stickage to discover is not lost on us nor it seems Russell. Such is the unpredictable nature of finding a stick. Thank you Russell for sharing your long straight stick, possibly at one time a slat or some such thing with us.

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